Who are we?

This started off with just one guy who is very regular that’s trying to know Jesus and himself at the same time. That happens to have a passion for fashion, talking about God and didn’t know what else to do with his life but knew he had to give back somehow. That's it.


Our Core Beliefs

- God

  • is modern

  • wants to have a relationship with us.

  • wants us to be authentic.

- The more you know God, the more you know yourself.

- A full life is a life of progression, not perfection.

- You can still be Dope and know God.

Why The Name?

Blood of Yeshua / Boyesh / B.o.Y

Blood - /bləd/

1. red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body. One's Life-source.

"drops of blood"

2. violence involving bloodshed.

"a commando operation full of blood and danger"

3. temperament or disposition, especially when passionate.

"a ritual that fires up his blood"

4. family background; descent or lineage.

"she must have Irish blood in her"

  • a person of specified descent.

  • suffix: -blood; suffix: -bloods

  • a fellow black person.

5. a member of a Los Angeles street gang.

6. a fashionable and dashing young man.

"a group of young bloods"


Yeshua - /ye-shoe a/

1. in Hebrew is a verbal derivative from "to rescue", "to deliver", “to save or Salvation”

2. a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua (ישוע), also having the variants Joshua or Jeshua.

3. Iesous is the Greek transliteration of the Hebrew name, and its English spelling is “Jesus.”

4. the son of God, a person who was both God and man, the Messiah sent by God to save the human race from the sin it inherited through the Fall of Man.

  • *Super dope stuff*


Yo, now lemme explain what this means to me and why this is the name of the Brand, check this out…...

  • In order for their to be life there has to be sacrifice

    • Explanation: Like in anything you want to start or give birth to (life), you have to be willing to give something up (sacrifice)

  • Everything requires a sacrifice

    • You have to give to get:  Self explanatory, But also very Deep

  • In order for their to be birth and or forgiveness there has to be blood shed and or death

    • This is a principle of God if you don't like it, take it up with him.

  • Shed of blood = depletion of life of some sort

  • Blood - is an expression of life

  • If sin took place there had to be blood shed

    • Sin - is an offense towards God; doing something against what God represents.

  • Whenever there is some sin that continuously occurs that would eventually lead to some sort of death whether it is in a physical, spiritual, emotional, a thing, idea, a dream, or relationship etc.

    • The result or consequence of sin is death (to any or all categories above)

  • Wherever there is sin that creates a separation with God

    • God = Life, eternal life, all things good

    • Sin = Death

  • Because God is fair and Just in order for a sin to be erased (forgiven) something or someone had to pay for it.

    • Or in other terms someone or something had to suffer the consequences

  • Animal sacrifices will purge sin but not pacify it

    • (it's only a temporary fix)

  • God is just (fair) so their HAS to be a punishment (or consequence) for sin .

  • Punishment for Sin is death

  • Death = separation

  • The death on the cross represents forgiveness because that's where the death and the sacrifice of Jesus (Who was holy and perfect) took and paid for the punishment/consequence for everyone else's sin

    • Bruh paid with his blood & life

  • All of this requires faith, faith that is real and that you're forgiven.

    • I understand that is very weird stuff if its your first time hearing this.

  • So if you sin you're forgiven, but don't sin because it has consequences

    • Example: You can steal something then ask for forgiveness because of Jesus  and God will forgive you, but you can still go to jail as a result or consequence.

  • The goal isn't that believing in Jesus makes you perfect it means you're forgiven, and that you aren't granted eternal death but life even though you will continue to sin.

    • Don’t be comfortable with sin but understand the curse of sin has no effect on the person who believes the cost has been paid for them.


You see Blood of Yeshua is the greatest business deal and promise in our favor that has ever happened. Someone else paid the price for my offenses towards God (which in turns only hurts myself because if God represents all things toward life and i do something he opposes [opposite to him] that means i'm doing something that is against my life or shortening my life….why would i want that??). The Blood of Yeshua is a representation of how nothing is in the way of my relationship with the God of The Universe not even my own sin and downfall (as long as i believe why Yeshua died) so for that reason im as happy as someone who win the lotto. This is the greatest thing you can hear.  I'm not ashamed of this, its my get outta jail free card. So i can embrace my true identity, not just someone who is forgiven by God but also his child, a spawn of ROYALTY. That's why i wear the name Blood of Yeshua because i believe this…….do you?


These points only scratch the surface, the idea and explanation of Jesus runs so deep so i encourage you to dig alittle deeper on your own. It’ll take a LIFEtime to fully experience him and what he can or can’t do.


*Caution this is some very heavy material and will require intellectual faith, please handle with care. For assistance please reach out to your nearest bible scholar, or Pastor.*


Thanks yo.